Conquering the Culture Code: The Impact of Culture on Learning Course Card

Conquering the Culture Code: The Impact of Culture on Learning


$200 Enroll

Full course description

Course created in collaboration with Lisa Lewis and is self-paced. Students can enroll anytime. 

Audience: This course is ideal for anyone seeking or currently employed in the following roles/areas: 

  • Teacher (Elementary, Middle School, High School, Private School, Pre-School)  
  • Para-Educator
  • Instructional Assistant
  • Assistant Faculty
  • Professor
  • Adjunct Faculty
  • Substitute Teachers
  • School Instructional Support
  • Staff Development  

Have you ever wondered how culture impacts learning?

This course will examine equity, inclusion, culture, and diversity as they relate to recognizing bias in curriculum and instruction; real-world issues; expectations; respect for different cultures; collaboration; and communication.  

By the end of this course, learners should be able to: 

  • Examine equity, inclusion, culture, and diversity as teachers, staff, faculty, and students perceive them.
  • Compare and contrast the impacts of culture on learning while evaluating past procedures and present-day strategies and developing possible future approaches.
  • Analyze culture in the classroom while keeping school learning in mind.
  • Inquire about students’ cultures while creating a framework linking culture to student learning.
  • Transform professional practice to better meet the needs of students from various cultures. 

Credit Received: Upon completion, learners will obtain a micro-credential for their digital backpack.  

About the Instructor: 

Conquering the Culture Code: The Impact of Culture on Learning Course Instructor Lisa LewisProfessor Lisa Lewis is the Co-Founder & Managing Partner of Lewis Limited (Aha-Learning). She is an experienced educator with over 35 years of educational teaching experience in public and private sector school systems. Lewis is certified to teach K-8th Grade school curricula and has College/University experience teaching and coordinating on-campus community college programs as well as online and blended teaching. 


“Lisa creates a positive learning experience by injecting fun lessons that support [the student’s] learning style.” 

Mrs. Lewis “...played an instrumental role in my education.” 

“Lisa is an amazing teacher. She engages her students like no one else I have ever seen. She has a wonderful knack for teaching because she is able to reach all her students and support them in so many different ways (academically, emotionally, and socially).”